Better tales, a different light, a happier Happy Ending, in the west side of the divided capital everything is always a little brighter than in other parts of Berlin.

This is where the young photo artist Lisa Wassmann grew up.
The American culture isomnipresent: American friends, American cinema, and a German-American funfair in Zehlendorf.
Lisa Wassmann is very much influenced by American movies and Television Shows such as the Wizard of Oz, MTV or Lucky Luke Comics.

Later, she travels to the United State to find out whether the imagery of her childhood in her mind complies with reality or not. She travels to the US sinc 2007, every time to a different state, everytime searching for the truth and the answer to the question: What is real and what is only a distantmemory of her childhood ?

Does reality meet her expectations? Is everything staged?
Through her photographs Lisa Wassmannalso reviews American clichés.
The images either show a documentary record of the life in the United States or depict an enactment of Wassmann’s imagination combined with staged self portraits inspired
by her current enviroment and the people she meets during her journey.
Her photographs are somewhat melancholic and meander between dreams and
reality and show the fascination of the moment
between desire and fulfilment.

First time shown at the gallery pavlovs dog in Berlin.

Further images and infos on request.

selfportrait 2009 Texas

Vegas 2013

Flying visit, Nevada 2012

Freemont Street, Vegas, 2012

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